It’s only fitting that my last column should be this one. The one where this Studio City Mom tells you with enormous joy that her daughter, her baby girl, her bunny rabbit, her heart, has graduated college.

She graduated with honors. She graduated with a BFA. She graduated with a family cheering her on as she walked across that stage and received her diploma with grace, dignity, gratitude and humility. Qualities she has always had. Qualities that make for an exceptional human being.

And she is an exceptional human being.

She’s modest, kind, wise, hard working, thoughtful, witty and a beautiful writer. A really beautiful writer. Words flow on the page like brush strokes on a canvas leaving the reader with a painting you can’t stop looking at and thinking about.

Yes, she’s that good. And yes, she will never brag or show off – she is humble to the core. But I’m her mom so I get to. And I will. From the top of my lungs!

It’s a wonderful feeling to be inspired, uplifted and in awe of your child.

When I started Studio City Mom so many years ago she was just eight years old. I shared stories of our journey with you, my readers. I had no idea I would still be sharing those stories, this journey, all these years later. So many columns, so many milestones. So many adventures.

I treasure these columns. A document of a mother and daughter as they walked through the highs and lows of life always making sure to dance along the way.

And dance we did. We’re still dancing. We dance all the time.

But this will be my last column. It’s time for her to write her own stories now. I can’t wait to see the adventure continue… through her eyes.

Being her mom is the greatest story I will ever know. Thank you for being a witness to some of it. I appreciate you. Whoever you are. Friends, strangers. Thank you for stopping by and reading my words. It’s been a beautiful relationship and I will forever be grateful that you came.